Logan City Community Cadets Inc was formed in 1998 by a group of parents who saw a need in the local community for a well organised, disciplined and flexible cadet unit catering for young men and women between the ages of 11 – 17. We are very proud to provide Catafalque Parties for the Greenbank Services Club, Logan Village RSL and VV & VMC Dawn Services each ANZAC Day, as well as other commemorations during the year. We also support other Not-For-Profit groups such as Legacy during the year, raising funds for Veterans and their families.
The LCCC is not affiliated with the Australian Defence Force Cadets, and is a self-funded Incorporated Not-For-Profit association. All of the Uniformed Staff and Parent Support Group members are volunteers, many of whom have, or have had, children join at some point in the past.

The Cadets
Based on their abilities and performance, successful cadets may be promoted in rank and given the responsibility to be in command of groups of cadets from a section of 10 cadets up to company strength of 60 cadets or more.
Promotion to positions of authority is based solely on merit, giving the child a sense of achievement, encouraging self confidence within themselves and their team, whilst demanding integrity, efficiency, dependability and self discipline both inside and outside of cadets. These cadets are required to plan, study and conduct both theory and practical lessons in the lecture room and in the field. They are trained to lead a team of cadets on field activities involving navigation, patrolling, selection and development of a bivouac site, bush/field skills, mock first aid emergencies and field cooking to name a few. All activities are overseen by a uniformed staff member.
The Staff
Most of the Uniformed Staff members have either served in the Australian Defence Force, or have been enlisted as a Cadet in the Unit before re-enlisting as a staff member upon turning 18.
Bringing with them many years of experience, the staff are able to teach cadets everything they need to learn to become a successful, independent cadet who can be proud of their achievements, and themselves.
Parent Support Group (PSG)
Like any Not For Profit organisation, the unit relies heavily on an army of volunteers who give up their spare time in support of the kids.
The PSG Executive Committee comprises of parents, guardians and volunteers who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Other interested members are welcome to join as PSG members, which entitles them to vote on agenda items at scheduled meetings.
The PSG is the non-military side of the unit and is designed to help and support the unit’s instructors, functions and activities.
The PSG is responsible for fund raising to meet the Unit’s operating budget which includes insurances, utility charges and equipment purchases. To help provide extra funds to the unit, the PSG run Sausage Sizzles in the Browns Plains area, conduct raffles for occasions such as Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and also participate in Greenbank Services Club “Together We Rise” raffles. All profits go directly back to the unit to help reduce costs for our families.
Parent Support Group Office Bearers 2024 – 2025
President | Peter Paunovic |
Vice President | Trevor Schulze |
Treasurer | Andrea Taylor |
Secretary | Kat Dennis |
Unit Headquarters Manning