20th Anniversary Dining-In Night; On the 10th of March 2018, the Logan City Community Cadets Inc. celebrated its’ 20th Anniversary with pomp and ceremony. Commanding Officer LTCOL (LCCC) Trevor Schulze and his wife, Jennifer were among
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1/18 Recruit In-Barracks Course
1/18 Recruit In-Barracks Course; 2018, 24th – 25th February 8 new recruits got together for the weekend to learn new skills to start them off on a ‘military’ journey with the LCCC. Despite the unpredictable wet
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A tactical weekend with loads of fun and excitement but with various military skills learnt and it was held on the weekend of the 27th – 29th October 2017. As soon as dinner was had,
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LCCC Inc. conducted a Tactical Field Weekend Activity at the Karringal Scout Camp site from the 20 – 22nd of May 2016. Cadets learned many new things while having fun on this exercise; Parents too,
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Recruits, Cadets, Staff and Volunteer Parents met at Rob’s Hut at the Karingal Scout Camp for the Field Phase of the Recruit Course.
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New Recruits from both Alpha and Bravo Companies in the 1/16 Course settled into a weekend of learning new things , all things military. Check out the photos of our new recruits.
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Exercise Stone Pillow 2015 ..By CAPT(LCCC) Anthea Chase-Currier On the 17th of October 2015, the CO, Instructors, Parents, and Cadets of LCCC slept under the stars to raise awareness to the issues of homelessness within
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Cadets and Recruits from Alpha Company braved the cold weather during the Queen’s Birthday long weekend, from the 5th to the 8th June. Click here to view the photographs.
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Logan City Community Cadets did us proud once again marching and serving as catafalque party at various 100th Year ANZAC Day Services in the Logan Region. Click here to see the photos.
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Exercise ShakeOut 15 was conducted on the last weekend of March 2015. The exercise included field training lessons/activities for the 1/15 Leadership Development Course, the 1/15 Recruit Course in conjunction with the reminder of the
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