For the first time in two years, the Unit could once again join others to commemorate a special day in the history of Australia. Together with the community, our cadets braved the wet weather to
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Anzac Day
The Logan City Community Cadet Unit paraded at several different locations on ANZAC Day 2019. We were proud to have provided the Catafalque Party and Flag Bearers for the services at the Logan Village RSL sub-branch, Jimboomba RSL and Greenbank RSL as well as the Ecumenical Service at St James Anglican Church in Jimboomba.
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Logan City Community Cadets did us proud once again marching and serving as catafalque party at various 100th Year ANZAC Day Services in the Logan Region. Click here to see the photos.
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Cadets and Recruits did the Logan City Community Cadet Unit proud as they marched at the Jimboomba and Greenbank RSL Anzac Day Parades. Both catafalque parties at the dawn service at the Vietnam Veteran Motorcycle
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This year the unit is supported the GBRSL, Jimboomba Sub Branch RSL, Sunnybank RSL and the VVMC in their ANZAC DAy services.Drill Team Cadets were selected to supply the Cataflaque Party for the Jimboomba Sub
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