The unit held its 2012 Mixed Dining-in night for the first time in its new Cadet Hall at the Browns Plains Cadet Depot on Saturday night 23 Jun 12. 54 members, parents and guests including the official guests from the Green Bank, Jimboomba and Sunnybank RSL’s plus the VVMC attended the evening which was just under the maximum seating capacity of 60.
The hall was dimly lit with table candles and side lighting which added to the dinner’s atmosphere. The tables were set out in an “E” pattern magnificently arranged with white table clothes, centre strips in the unit colours of blue and yellow, and flower arrangements. The Head Table was further decorated with the units Ceremonial Sword.
The evening started with members, parents and guests assembling in the Ante Room for Pre-dinner snacks. After the Dining President, Commanding Officer and Official Guests arrival were announced, the Assembled Mess proceeded into the hall after the Head Table for the start of the dinner.
The Dinner followed correct Military Protocol throughout with the highlight being the “Marching in of the Unit’s New Colours” which was the first time they were seen by the members of the unit. Speeches and presentation by the Dining President, Commanding Officer, Official guests and members of the PSG took place during and after the Main Course prior to the Official Toasts.
A 12 minute video presentation highlighted activities conducted during the last 14 years the Unit has been in operation. Emphasis was on the Commanding Officer who has been a dedicated and loyal volunteer working continuously with a steadfast purpose to improve the Unit for the children of Logan. The CO was moved by the presentation.
The Kangaroo Court under the control of the CSM (Mr Vice) went off with a lot of laughter and fun, no one was immune to the court, including the CO who was charged with the wearing of his short shorts (Army PT shorts) during cadet activities, and he pleaded guilty.
The dinner’s great success was due to the planning and preparation by the hard work of the CO, the MO/Secretary, Treasurer/ fund raiser, RSM (Dining President) and CSM (MR Vice). Big thanks also goes to those parents that helped out in the finial setting up on the Saturday and those cadets who helped serve the meal. Special mention and appreciation will have to go to Anthea and Rebecca who worked tirelessly in the organising of the table arrangements, menu preparation, purchasing of dining items and most of all in the serving up of all the meals in the kitchen prior to being placed on the tables.
Well done to all, it was a great success and I look forward to next year’s Dining-in Night.